South Pasadena School Board Candidates' Responses to Arts and Culture Survey
The South Pasadena Arts Council (SPARC), as part of its arts education advocacy effort, is pleased to serve as a partner on Arts for LA’s Fall 2013 Arts & Culture Candidate Survey Project, which invites responses from those seeking election to school boards in LA County, including the South Pasadena Unified School District.
SPARC is pleased to share their responses with you in order to help voters make informed choices on November 5th.Take a moment to read through the responses from the South Pasadena School Board candidates to better understand what they think about the role arts education plays in the lives of our young people.
Here is the link:
The Visual and Performing Arts Policy adopted by the South Pasadena Unified School Board in 2008 states, "The Governing Board believes that visual and performing arts are essential to a comprehensive educational program and should be an integral part of the course of study offered to all students at all grade levels. The district's arts education program shall provide opportunities for appreciation, creation, and performance of the arts during the school day . . . The Board further recognizes that instruction in the arts also helps students learn initiative, discipline, perceptual abilities and critical and creative thinking skills that extend to all areas of life."
Most importantly, please vote! Elections for South Pasadena School Board will be held November 5. To check your registration or find your polling place, visit the Los Angeles County Clerk/Registrar Recorder’s website at